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Frontend Lifecycle Management

Adding a frontend

b3scalectl --api add frontend --secret "$(pwgen -s 1 42)" my-frontend

Assigning tags and properties to a frontend

b3scalectl --api set frontend -j '{"required_tags":["bbb_26"]}' my-frontend

You can also specify the -j parameter while adding a frontend with add frontend.

Valid properties


Associates one or more frontends with one or more backends with the same tags. Matches the {"required_tags":["bbb_26"]} specification in backend properties.



Specifies a default presentation for the tenant, which will be downloaded from url. Specify "force":true to ignore any custom presentation uploaded via the frontend application.


Parameters (see documentation) to be set if the frontend application does not specify the parameter. For example, the following will set the default welcome message to "Welcome to you meeting!".

"create_default_params":{"welcome":"Welcome to your meeting!"}


Parameters (see documentation) that will override the respective parameter of the frontend application. For example, the following will ensure that the learning dashboard is disabled and recording is off:


Using a frontend

To test the frontend, you can use Use as the link and the secret. You can also use this URL for Greenlight or other frontends.

Listing frontends

b3scalectl --api show frontends

37dada5b-9fd0-41b5-8875-17037a4d5413 my-frontend eefeng2aixaeghu0tae9ja4ietheeNgoo5ubunga1ohkeexaib3bai9xudaang2i {"required_tags":["bbb_26"]}

Modifying a frontend

You can use set frontend with -j (see "Assigning tags to a frontend") or --secret (see "Adding a frontend").

Removing a frontend

b3scalectl --api delete frontend my-frontend