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Rolling out the node agent

The b3scale node agent is a critical component that must be installed on every BigBlueButton node that works as a backend within a b3scale cluster. The node agent verifies the health of the BBB node and reports back to b3scale.


Retrieve the package from the GitHub release page. Install the .deb package like this:

sudo dpkg -i b3scaleagent_1.3.0_linux_amd64.deb

Make the following changes to /etc/default/b3scaleagent:

B3SCALE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN="<output of authorize_node_agent>"

B3SCALE_API_URL should point to the root URL of the b3scale load balancer. The other settings should only be changed when needed. They are documented in-line. B3SCALE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN is a JWT generated by the call to b3scalectl. my-api-secret should be what you provided to b3scaled as B3SCALE_API_JWT_SECRET earlier. It will be used to generate an access token. The secret itself will not be stored:

b3scalectl --api authorize_node_agent --ref node23 --secret my-api-secret

BBB_CONFIG should point to the bbb-web override config at /etc/bigbluebutton/ With that, you are ready to start the agent:

If you want to change the node's load factor, you can set B3SCALE_LOAD_FACTOR. It acts as a penalty, so a node with a load factor of 2.0 is less likely to be chosen over one with no explicit load factor set (default is 1.0).

systemctl start b3scaleagent

The agent will automatically register the node with b3scale. Continue over at maintenance to learn more about the node setup.