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Setting up recording

b3scale can publish recordings recoded on a node and will allow frontends to manage them in three ways:

  • Publish a recording
  • Unpublish a recording
  • Delete a recording

How it works

On the b3scale server

b3scale expects two directories with full write access to the b3scaled process, passed to the process as environment variables:

  • B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_PUBLISHED_PATH points to a directory where all published talks will be hosted.
  • B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_UNPUBLISHED_PATH points to a directory where all unpublished/depublished talks will be hosted

The playback URL will be created using the host provided via the B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_PLAYBACK_HOST variable. The playback HTTPS host needs to be set up separately and requires (read-only) access to B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_PUBLISHED_PATH.

Recordings can also be configured using the B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_INBOX_PATH to use a dedicated recordings inbox, where new recordings will be initially placed before importing.



B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY only informs b3scale where to expect the recording before import and does not affect the actual visibility.

Managing recordings

Using b3scalectl recordings associated with a frontend can be listed with

b3scalectl show recordings --frontend example-frontend-key
you can also enable json output:

b3scalectl show --json recordings --frontend example-frontend-key

By listing the recordings you can get the ID of a recording. With a known recording ID, you can change the visibility:

b3scalectl set recording-visiblity <id> <visiblity>

where <visibility> may be anything of published, protected, public, public_protected and unpublished.

Setting default visibility policy for a Frontend

If a frontend is incapable of handling recording visibilities, b3scale allows to override the default visibility per frontend by specifying the recordings.visibility_override property:

b3scalectl set frontend -j '{"recordings": { "visibility_override": "protected" }}' <frontend>


This will not change the visibility of existing recording. See the section above on how to modify existing recordings.

On the BigBlueButton node

Publishing the recordings requires a post-publish hook script to be placed in the in /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publishfolder on all BBB nodes.

Depending on your setup you either need to copy (via rsync or scp) to B3SCALE_RECORDINGS_PUBLISHED_PATH on a node that has access to that location, or mount a shared volume.

Finally, the metadata.xml document, created by the BigBlueButton node for the respective recording, needs to be submitted to recording-import API endpoint on b3scale.

See examples/post_publish_b3scale_import.rb for a trivial example that assumes that all nodes, the b3scale server and the playback host share the same /var/bigbluebutton directory via a shared filesystem such as NFS or CephFS.